Book Shopping Book Tag
I saw Ben at @BreakevenBooks answer this tag, and I knew I had to do it too. This is a tag all about bookish preferences. The original creator is @Scientist’s Reading World so go check them out!
1) How do you buy books? Physically because you believe in the power of touch or online because interactions are overrated?
I usually buy books physically, and sometimes ebooks. I tend to borrow my audiobooks and some of my ebooks from my library. I do have a account, so if that counts, then I buy books there too. But I spend most of my money on physical books.
2) Do you prefer bigger bookshops or smaller ones?
I love both any kind of bookshop, but I love finding small, independent shops. They just have so much personality and I love exploring new, small bookshops. They also tend to have the nicest employees.
3) Do you prefer to buy books when they are brand new (being the first to touch them, it being in great condition), or do you prefer used ones (the book having character, history, and personality)?
I truly don’t have a preference; I love both. Both are special in different ways. I usually buy more new books than used, but used books just hit different.
4) Are you a coupon TLC level crazy person or a full price sweet sixteen MTV?
I think my wallet wishes I was a couponer, but I am not. I pay full price, unless Barnes and Noble is having a two-for-one deal or if I buy a book on Amazon. But my wallet totally hates me because I am a full-price shopper.
5) Read, research, analyzed Sherlock Holmes-style or impulse buyer like a shopaholic?
I feel like I am neither. I buy what my friends like and what I see hyped on bookstagram. But, I will buy a book just on the cover, so I would say I am more of an impulse buyer.
6) A book or two at a time or full cart pandemic style and till the mailman dies?
I buy books toilet paper pandemic style. I will leave the bookstore with six books and I can barely walk back to the car. I have been trying to only buy one book at a time, but it’s hard. I do my best, but it is a challenge.
7) New and recent releases or older and classics?
I love a good new release. I love special editions of my favorite classics, but I love picking up a newer release.
8) Are you a pre-order total fan freak or wait until it arrives at the bookshop because it can wait?
I wait until it gets to the bookstore. I love shopping for books in person, so pre-order sometimes takes the fun out of it. I will say, if a preorder has a fun campaign with merch or art, then I will preorder.
9) Do you prefer special expensive, beautiful covers, color edges and unique editions or is the inside of the book that counts?
It’s totally what’s on the inside that counts, but I do LOVE fancy editions of books. If I see a sprayed edge, I am SOLD. But it really is what is on the inside that matters.
10) Picture your favorite book. Do you show your love by buying multiple copies or do you believe in single true love?
I love owning multiple copies of my favorite book. I just think it’s an amazing thing to have if you are a book collector, but by no means necessary.
11) Name your favorite places to book shop!
- Of course, I love book shopping, so here are some of my favorite indie shops. I do also love shopping at my local Barnes and Noble.
Book Soup (Los Angeles)
The Ripped Bodice (Los Angeles)
The Strand (New York City)
City Lights Booksellers & Publishers (San Fransisco)
12) Tag people