Books I Need in My Hands Right Now
This is a list of some of my anticipated reads that I need in my hands RIGHT NOW. Like, I need these books, yesterday. I am just so excited for these titles. And I hope some of you are excited too!
Babel by RF Kuang
I do not care that this book is coming out next year, I need it now. This was sold as dark academia with actual people of color, so basically, this book was written for me and me alone. I am just obsessed with RF Kuang and I am counting down the days until this is in my hands.
A Lesson in Vengence by Victoria Lee
Sapphic dark academia? Hello? I need it right now. I also found out about this author at a YallWest event and absolutely fell in love with them, so I know I will vibe with this book. It’s dark and gay and academia heavy. It’s perfect.
House of Sky and Breath by Sarah J Maas
I don’t care that the cover hasn’t been revealed yet; I am ready. I had a fun time with the previous book in the series and I am hoping this will be just as fun and even more steamy.
Legendborn 2 by Traci Deonn (no official title yet)
I know I am wild for this one because there is no cover and no title, BUT I NEED THIS BOOK. Legendborn was one of my favorite reads of last year, and it left off on a place where I need to know more. I literally always think about this book and its potential.
Seven Mercies by Laura Lam and Elizabeth May
I am hyped for this. I loved how the previous book left off, and I need to know more about this world and these characters. I am so excited to see how these characters develop.
When Night Breaks by Janella Angeles
I know this book has mixed feelings, but I loved the previous book in this series. I thought it was so fun and so unique. I am excited to see where the love interests end up and how the magic in this world develops.
How We Fall Apart by Katie Zhao
I love seeing authors diversify the dark academia space, and this book is no exception. I think the premise sounds so dark and the characters sound so messy. This gives me very much popcorn and drama vibes and I am here for it.
All’s Well by Mona Awad
I love Shakespeare, I love retellings, and I love theater drama. This seems so weird and dark, and I love weird and dark, so I am pumped and I want it now.
Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim
I absolutely loved the Blood of Stars duology, so another book in this world and by this author is perfect for me. I have been following Elizabeth Lim throughout her whole process of writing this book, which makes me even more excited to have this book.
The Chosen and the Beautiful by Nghi Vo
I know very little about this book, but I know it takes place in the 1920s and to be honest, that’s all I need to know. Also, this cover is just STUNNING and is selling point enough for me.
Our Violent Ends by Chloe Gong
I really enjoyed the first book, These Violent Delights, so I am hyped to see how this continues. To be honest, I am most excited to see how the romance develops. I feel like this will be even better than the first book and I am so excited for the development.